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Monday 9 November 2009

Remembrance Day 2009 Scraps

Click to Enlarge
A Scrapkit to honour those who served their country in various conflicts.

3 large moody papers in green/blue 3600 X 3600 .jpg
24 elements in .png format including frames, ribbons, old paper, ribbons envelopes, etc
I have tried to recreate the the old Wartime postcards and letter covers to resemble the originals as closely as possible [ Thank you Ann :)]

An Example page [Click to Enlarge]:

Click to Enlarge
And another Example HERE

Because of their size, I have split the DOWNLOADS

or FULL KIT [30 MB]
This kit is in similar tonings to one that I posted this time last year which you may also wish to download:
Link to Lest We Forget Kit 2008


  1. That is so lovely. Clearly you put a lot of heart into putting it together. Thank you.

  2. Judy, I love the tone of your remembrance kits. As always, thank you for sharing!

  3. This is as ever stunning.... as was your kit last year. THANKYOU !

  4. Thank you so much!

  5. thank you for sharing the rememberance kit

  6. Thank you sooo much

  7. Thank you for this amazing kit! I just love it. I picked up both your Remembrance Day kits and made a couple of awesome pages. (You can see them at alison.hottub.ca/share/RD.zip) Thank you!

  8. Breath Taking!
    Thank YOu
