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Monday 25 January 2010

Australia Day 2010 Desktop wallpaper

Click to Enlarge On a warm day like today, I can only dream of the beach!

A desktop wallpaper created to celebrate Australia Day tomorrow.

ZIP to DOWNLOAD has 4 different sized images:

1280 X 1024

1280 X 960

1440 X 900

1024 X 768

Many thanks to Nick Monaghan of Life Unseen, for use of his Christmas beetle, Anoplognathus porosus :)
We have some great Australia Day e-cards in our TOC Gallery too!


  1. Judy, glorious Australian colours to celebrate Australia Day; beautiful, I love it and the beetle:)

    happy Australia Day.


  2. I love it !!!

    ALWAYS be proud... even though I am in the US I STILL unashamably wave the flag for England on St.Georges Day !

  3. This is so beautiful Judy. Happy Australia Day to you and Bruce.

  4. Gorgeous blend Judy, Happy Australia Day :)
