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Friday 1 February 2008

Printable swirly album page backgrounds

When I created these papers, I was aiming to produce something that would be suitable as a background for old style photographs as well as modern.

I have put them all in a zip which you can download here. [or here if you have any download problems]
The zip contains:
6 co-ordinated swirly patterned papers [.jpg]in monotone pinks and greys suitable for a mini album or as a feature on a larger 12 inch by 12 inch page.

Also 4 co-ordinating border overlays 2 pink/red and 2 grey [latter not illustrated] in transparent .png format

The grey papers and overlays are very suitable for recolouring to suit your project. [They look good in sepia :) ]
Papers are 8 inches X 8 inches at 200 dpi

Overlays are 8 inches wide.

I'd love to hear if you have found them suitable!


  1. Your artwork so inspires me and gives me new ideas for my own stuff. What wonderful backgrounds you created, Judy -- way to go!


  2. thanks so much for the pretty heritage kits. They're beautiful!

  3. Thanks again for the beautiful work you share. You have amazing talent.
