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Monday 26 October 2009

Halloween Stencils --PSP Shapes

Some fun stencils for your Halloween Pumkins!
These are Paint Shp Pro Preset Shapes, so they are ideal to reshape to fit :)

I used a great pumpkin photograph from Wikimedia Commons to easily make my fun image.


The shapes were applied as a new vector layer and selections made from them to "cut out" my Jack 'o Lanterns from my original image layer. [Selections>from Vector object]
I then used filter Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact > extrude to give thickness to my cut edges.
Finally I flood filled the layer below with a dark orange/red gradient.

CLICK TO ENLARGE Because these are vector shapes, they are easy to enlarge without loss of quality so they can be used easily to create a stencil for your REAL Pumpkin!
I'm sure you could make other use for them too!

By the way, I DO love to see creations made with my scrap materials !


  1. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. Your pumpkin image is wonderful. :)


  3. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome work.

  4. Hi can I add your blog to my freebie finder?? You can view it here http://crafty-cupboard.com/f9/ & sign your blog up here http://crafty-cupboard.com/f9/

    many thanks Sam

  5. Thanks for the great stencils! I used one of them in my new tut, you can see it here: http://www.naughtrish.com.ar/Naughtrish%20Tuts/Tutorials/Giveyouhell.html
